The Careers Advice team at Wilson Stuart are:

Liz Dean, Interim Head of Secondary

Julie Pallister, Work Placement Officer

Andy Moss, teacher in charge of SMSC

At Wilson Stuart we offer careers advice through structured SMSC lessons as well as through bespoke assemblies and group activities – such as the KS4 and KS5 Preparing For Adulthood Day in July 2018.

At KS5 students have regular careers lessons to support their transition work and opportunities for work experience and sessions with employers. One very successful event is the annual Employability Day for Year 14 and the College students.

Careers Advice is also an integral part of the EHCP process with students encouraged to have both aspirational and realistic goals.

Careers Update

In December Liz Dean and Julie Pallister met with a representative from the Careers and Enterprise Company. Together, we used Compass to evaluate our Careers Activity Provision in light of the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks. This was really worthwhile and the information we have gathered will help form both our school Careers Policy and how our students access this area of their education.

Please see the link below for further information:

Transition Map

Click the Year Group, to view their transition map, and any helpful links.

Year 10 Transition Map

Year 11 Transition Map

Year 13 Transition Map

Year 14 Transition Map

Post 19 Useful Links