In-line with British Values, if you would like to use this image please contact us detailing who you are and how you wish to use it. This poster was designed by us and is our Intellectual Property, please respect this.
At Wilson Stuart School we have embraced the “British Values” defined by the Department for Education. As part of this our curriculum’s have integrated British Values into their curriculums and we have also create the poster below.
Proud to be British is a poster that has been created to help students easily recognise and learn about the 5 British Values. These were contained in new guidance which has been sent to schools in England. The 5 values have been enshrined in short, student friendly statements which are intended to encourage students to engage with them pro-actively. These statements were discussed at Faculty level meetings in the school with all the staff before going into print.
We would like to thank Mr Moss and his family for designing and providing the poster.
This poster will really benefit students and staff to be able to discuss, remember and share these important values, which we feel are very much reflected in daily life by everyone at Wilson Stuart School.