What is the type of School?
- Wilson Stuart School is a special school that caters for students with complex Physical and Medical needs.
What is the size?
- Approximately 270 Students in total
- Student numbers are across phases – Primary, Secondary and Sixth Form
What type of SEND needs does the school cater for?
- Physical Disabilities
- Complex medical needs
- Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD)
- Profound and Multiple Learning Disability (PMLD)
What size are the classes?
- Our classes are typically 12-13 learners but can vary across pathways depending on student need e.g PMLD classes can be smaller typically 9 students to better cater for the needs of the student.
We recognise that our learners have a variety of complex Special Needs and we believe that they are effectively supported by bespoke interventions in order to assist them in achieving their full potential. The teaching methods and strategies we use aim to address our students’ individual needs and abilities and ensure both personal development and academic progress and provide them with the best experiences to help prepare for a life after Wilson Stuart.

- Students at Wilson Stuart span across the range with our PMLD learners and some SLD cohort operating from Intro 1 (Old P1i) to Intro 7 (Old P4) all the way up to Apply 10 (Old P18) whereby students will be working at GCSE Grade 6-7.
- We typically take students across the board with the vast majority working well below age related expectations and those students within the Rochford Review Standards.
- We do have students who undertake a number of GCSE subjects and perform in line with main stream students, but only do this due to the extra provision and support around the young person.
What is the curriculum like at Wilson Stuart?
Our GET real Curriculum looks to ‘Give Enough Time to real life learning and equip our students with the knowledge, skills and values needed to take into adulthood and a life beyond Wilson Stuart.
Within our curriculum we have a number of pathways:
- EYFS Pathway
- Formal Pathway (Challenge)
- SLD Pathway (Explore)
- PMLD Pathway (Inspire)
- Sixth Form Pathway (Believe)
Depending on the pathway that they learner takes there will be different outcomes and accreditations selected to meet the needs of the group.
Does my child need an Education Health Care Plan?
Wilson Stuart only admit SEND students with an Education Health Care Plan or those who are in the process of receiving one from the local authority.
Does my child get transport?
- The Local authority you live in will assess whether the child’s needs warrant transport to and from the school. (This is not the school)
- https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/info/50052/school_travel/900/specialised_transport_for_pupils_with_learning_difficulties_or_disabilities
- Transport Page
- Independent Travel Training
How do I apply to get a place at the School?
- All our places are commissioned by the local authority.
- Birmingham:
Please contact SENAR:
SEN Assessment and Review, PO Box 16289, B2 2XN. Telephone: 0121 303 1888. Emergency out-of-hours: 0121 675 4806

- We do take some students from nearby local authorities:
- Dudley
- Sandwell
- Staffordshire
- Solihull
- Walsall
- Wolverhampton
Our admissions policy can be found here. If you require any further information regarding admissions then please email us at admissions@wilsonstuart.co.uk