Wilson Stuart follows five British Values, which have been derived from the Government’s 2014 document “Promoting fundamental British values as part of SMSC in schools” which can be read in full here. (NB. This document lists six values, but the third of these, the separation of power between the judiciary and the executive, is not taught in primary schools). The delivery of these values differs depending upon which learning pathway the pupils are following. These values are considered a central part of teaching and learning at Wilson Stuart and staff are aware of them and able to talk about them and how they are delivered..

The Five Values

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Tolerance of different cultures and religions
  • Mutual respect
  • Individual liberty


Our intent is to make these values an intrinsic part of Wilson Stuart, either by explicit teaching or by modelling and demonstrating them through our practise.


A key principal of the successful delivery of British Values ethos is staff understanding and practice. We expect staff to know and understand these values, and be able to articulate the ways in which their practise supports them.

The delivery of British Values depends on the cognition of the learners in question. In some classes, the five values will be explicitly named, explained, and taught as part of the PSHE curriculum.

A great many of our learners do not demonstrate a level of cognition appropriate to teaching abstract concepts such as these. For these pathways (Explore/SLD and PMLD, as well as other learners in school), the modelling of British Values in lessons and practise around school is our mechanism for delivery. For this to be effective the staff need to be aware of the values, be able to cite examples in school where these have are delivered, and identify opportunities to promote them on medium term planning.

Exemplar of ways in which British Values may taught:

Democracy: Holding a class election for a student representative, charting favourite fruit, food or TV programme and choosing what to watch.

The Rule Of Law: Sharing and teaching class rules. Referring to them in both positive and negatives to reinforce good and bad behaviour in class.

Tolerance of Different Cultures: Look at similarities and differences in our dress, family life, religious beliefs and practises. Encourage children to talk about their culture and explain their practises. Explain that it if fine for somebody to live their life in a different way to us.

Mutual Respect: Model and expect courtesy, good manners and kindness when dealing with all staff and children in school. Give the children opportunities to interact with unfamiliar staff and children

Liberty: promote liberty and freedom: make sure children have time out of their chairs, have time to play, have chances to get outside, and are encouraged to form friendships and socialise.


Children at Wilson Stuart will, through teaching and as a result of the ethos and practises of the school, understand, demonstrate and hold these values to be their own, as appropriate to their cognition level.