Remote Learning can be accessed daily and you will get information on this via the school app weduc.
Using the website above you can access curriculum content appropriate for the age and key stage of your child. Other links can be found below specific to subject areas.
Rainforest Sherborne.mp4
Listen all around kitchen sounds.mp4

Non verbal drama:
Open Theatre use a non verbal physical theatre practice specialising in working with young people with learning disabilities. Over the next few weeks they are sharing their practice with parents to follow with their child at home. The practitioners from Open Theatre are familiar to pupils as they have worked with them at our school in non verbal drama sessions. Enjoy!
Open Theatre:
Warm up:
Scarf dancing:
Laundry Basket games!!
Hello again, I hope you are all keeping safe and well.
Hopefully the game ideas last week were handy and helpful to keep you going and motivated to keep playing.
Well here are some more!
- Hot air balloon imaginative play. This would require a large laundry basket and if you don’t have one big enough then use a blanket to set a ridge around you and your child. Get your child to help chose the colours of balloons and help pump up the balloons to attach to the basket. Imagine you’re flying high in the sky; talk about the things you might see or feel. Bring in fans for wind and cushions for clouds.
- Simple basketball. Use balls/balloons/soft toys to shoot a hoop.
- Ball pit. If your child is smaller then sit them inside and enjoy the pouring/shaking/throwing soft toys or balls over them. This can still be achieved without the basket.
- Target practise. Place the basket on its side then use balloons and fly swatters to hit into the target. (could use soft toys and sieves too)
- Magical ride. Using a dressing gown tie, tie it onto the side and sit your child inside for a fun ride around the house/garden. (watch your back!)
- Crystal Maze. Put the basket on the side and keep tying string from one end to the other. Put some of your child’s favourite items at one end for them to reach inside to get.
- The Claw! Place favourite items inside the basket and use BBQ tongs to fish them out.
- Hokey Pokey. Place the basket upside down, offer your child choices of items to poke through the holes. Use pom pom balls/soft toys/scrunched up paper.
- Simply use pegs to place around the edge of the edge of the basket. This will help suggest fine motor skills.
- Hit or miss. Roll up all of those odd socks you have lying round or use newspaper/soft toys/balls and use the baskets to hide behind while trying to get a hit marker on your opponent. Great for sibling play!
Let’s get busy playing!
Hello all, I hope you are managing to enjoy some of this weather and most importantly keeping safe.
I would like to take a little bit of your time to hopefully help you help your child continue to develop their skills in these uncertain times.
One way in which we help to develop your child’s skills in class is through play.
Here are a few key points to keep in mind when spending time with your child.
The way you feel can have a massive impact on the way your child responds to you.
- The settings such be distraction free. No TV, Phones etc. I understand that at the moment siblings will be at home too so feel free to get them involved too or have another family member watch them while you take some time to interact with your child.
- In such uncertain times, take this time to be totally present with your child. Switch off any thoughts you might have, jobs that might need doing or worries you might have. Enjoy your child.
- Three keys words to remember ENERGY, EXCITEMENT and ENTHUSIAIM
How does your child show you they want more during play?
- They may give you eye contact.
- They may vocalise a response to the play and or offer an answer.
- Another way they could show you that they are ready to continue playing is that they physically reach out to you or the items you’re playing with.
It may only be one of these or it could be all three, either way it should be celebrated so tell your child “thank you for showing me with your eyes/arm/voice that you want more”. It means a lot to hear that you are doing a good job.
This may sound absurd to some of you but it actually helps the learner feel calmer when they are in control. When the learner is calmer it is easier for them to interact. When they are interacting for longer periods of time, they are able to build stronger connections to help sustain key skills. You may give control to your child by
- Going with their ideas
- Offering choices
Stepping back when they don’t want to interact.
When a child doesn’t want to interact, try not to take this as a set-in concrete no. They could just be having an off day (we all have them!). Try the game later that day or another day.
Examples of play
Play doesn’t mean expensive toys. There are lots of items you have around the house that you could use in many different ways, for example a blanket. Here are some simple ways you could use this item to play and interact with your child.
- Use it to play peekaboo. Put over them for them to move it of themselves or put it over you for them to pull the blanket off. You could also put a favourite toy or item underneath for them to pull the blanket off.
- Magic carpet ride. Put your child on the blanket and pull around (be careful not to do your back in!). You could wait for eye contact, vocalisation or a gesture for you to start.
- Snake pretend play. Roll up the blanket so it resembles a snake shape. Role play rescuing your child, act it out for them to enjoy watching you, get them to pull it off.
- Den making. Place over a few chairs and chill out underneath. Read their favourite book to them or listen to some music.
- Parachute games. Places ball/balloons on and sing songs to throw them into the air. This would be great for siblings to join in to.
- Enjoy your own picnic and work on those independent skills.
- Silly hide and seek. Hide the blanket under your t shirt (the idea of this is to entice you child into play) when your child shows signs that they are ready to interact, do a playful sneeze and pull some of the blanket out.
- Sauage roll. Roll your child up in the blanket, this will give your child some deep body pressure and they may enjoy being rolled about.
Lasting thoughts…..
- Aim for 20 minutes, carry on for longer if you want or can but giving yourself a time will help keep your mind present.
- If they don’t want to play, stop, drop it and move on.
This stimulate both sides of the body and brain and also links the trunk of the body to the head.
****Be careful how hard you pat a leaner as it may cause a spasm****
Once upon a time a bird flew ‘flip, flap flip flap flip flap’.
Finger pat up and down both arms
Suddenly a big cat came running ’thump, thump’
Fist thump u and down on the arms,
And chased the tiny bird up into a bush
Patting fingers up the arms to the head.
A storm swept the bush to and fro
Pat all over the head
The wind blew” puff, puff, puff ….’
Pat checks and blow
The rain fell ‘ tinkle, tinkle, tinkle’
Pitter-patter raindrops on the head
The little bird flew to fins the safety in the bushes on one side
Strum fingers on one side of the hair
Rpt on the other.
The cat followed the bird into the bushes chasing the bird!
Thump, thump all over the hair.
When suddenly!
Stop and hold up your arms and hands
The bird flew up into the sky and found safety in its flock
Take hands to the leaners heart and flutter.