Community Enrichment:
Wilson Stuart is the home of the 222nd Birmingham Cub Pack. Our cub scouts have been part of the school for over thirty years, and are a fully accredited part of the world scout movement. The sessions are led by Akela and Baloo, aka Susan Schneeberger and Catherine Plunkett, who have run the pack more or less since its inception. WE follow all of the routines, rituals and traditions of the cub scouts, and our cubs are always proud and excited to wear their uniforms on a Friday afternoon.
Sessions combine games, ceremonies and routines particular to every cub pack, celebration of important events in the calendar, and the completion of tasks to attain badges. Allowance is made for the development level of the students, and the support they require, in terms of the requirements to complete their badges. We learn cookery skills, arts and craft techniques, look at environmental issues, learn simple first aid, and cover many more skills. In this way, Cubs makes a significant contribution to our PSHE curriculum, Preparing for Adulthood Agenda, British Values, Community outreach, and Circle Values.
Trips and visits:
Students experience a wide range of Educational Visits. These include trips to the local shops, cafes, restaurants and community engagement activities around the local area, including links with the Witton Lodge Association and the Eco Hub. Trips are organised to enhance curriculum opportunities and to put into a real life context in order to develop their life skills. Trips are highly personalised and individual targets are established to maximise the learning from the experience for each student.
At Wilson Stuart we promote a variety of enterprise projects. We use it as a vehicle to provide opportunities for learners to develop their applied learning skills. Students are given the opportunity to develop a positive and resilient mindset and a healthy attitude towards trying new things. Enterprise education helps them find ways to overcome obstacles and shapes their attitude towards work and their future, opening their eyes to a world of possibility.
A group of students from primary and secondary participate in residentials to Bendrigg and The Pioneeer Centre. Through these residentials, students develop new and exciting opportunities including abseiling, rock climbing, canoeing, zip wire and other activities that challenge students out of their comfort zone.

Physical Enrichment
Sporting competitions:
Students have access to out-of-school competitions such as School Games, the School Games formats includes boccia, New Age Kurling, Sportshall Athletics, Panathlon, Table Cricket, MATP and athletics.
Some students access regional and national boccia events as part of Boccia England. County, regional and national table cricket though Warwickshire CCC and The Lords Taverners. National Athletics through the Activity Alliance and EFDS.
Out of school hour clubs:
· Rockets multi sports
· Swimming
Creative Enrichment
Wilson Stuart provides a variety of creative enrichment opportunities including visiting theatre productions, the Welsh National Opera, Colourscapes, Kantu, special Elgar project.
Open theatre:
Some students on our Inspire and Explore pathways have a non-verbal, physical drama session with Open Theatre Company, this enriches our communication curriculum. Its strength lies in its broad intent: to communicate with each individual pupil. During each session a playful ‘offer’ is made without intent and the drama practitioner discovers how the child might want to interact. At Wilson Stuart we want to celebrate the non-verbal aspect of our children by recognising it can provide an interesting, rich way of communicating. The impact of this practice is tremendous and wide-reaching across the curriculum: it works on the precursors of language so may improve
verbal communication, social cognition, curiosity, empathy, imagination/creativity, literacy and narrative skills. The impact is also great on student’s emotional wellbeing: developing positive relationships, promoting self-awareness, helping to regulate emotions and behaviour, empowering the pupils to make real and meaningful choices of communication.
Open Orchestra:
Wilson Stuart runs a weekly programme which is led by our Music specialist and an additional member of staff as a Music Technology specialist. Wilson Stuart orchestra members receive 1:1 and small group tuition, as appropriate, and meet regularly to rehearse as a full orchestra. Conventional musical instruments are simply not an option for many SEND young people. ‘Open Up Music’ have created new, easy to use, accessible musical instruments (such as the Clarion which uses specialist software) that can be played with any part of the body, including the eyes.
These instruments can be made available to the young musicians to take home.
Peripatetic music lessons
Wilson Stuart employ a variety of peripatetic teachers who deliver 1:1 or small group music lessons. These lessons provide students with the opportunity to learn instruments at a pace that is appropriate to each individual.
Non Verbal Drama
Wilson Stuart works in partnership with Open Theatre to deliver weekly drama sessions to some of our class groups.
So what is drama at Wilson Stuart?
- Non-verbal physical drama with the use of music and simple props to encourage imaginative play.
- We create a safe and comfortable environment which allows the pupils to freely express themselves.
- The focus of the work is always the same: the development of creative and personal skills that support learning across the curriculum. These include confidence, verbal and non-verbal communciation skills, social cognition, curiosity, empathy, imagination, literacy and narrative skills, social interaction and creativity.
So what is the impact of our work?
- Developing positive relationships
- Becoming self-aware
- Beginning to regulate their emotions and behaviour
- Vital communication skills for life
- Empowering the students to make real and meaningful choices
- Ensuring the development of positive self-image and self-esteem
- Developing potential talent