My name is Peter Keenan, my role in school is Family Engagement Officer and Deputy DSL.

I’d like to introduce to you the Wilson Stuart School Safeguarding Outreach Team (SOT), The focus of SOT’s work is to provide support to the families who have a child attending Wilson Stuart School, during these challenging times. 

The SOT team is:

  • Kelly Mcnicholas
  • Tamara Matthews
  • Louise Blackwell
  • Emma Easthope
  • Claire Garner
  • Michele Joyce 

The team was selected from staff from across the school for their knowledge of children in the area of the school they are based.

Every week each member of the team will contact their allocated families on a rolling process, to offer support, advice or at times just a listening ear.

In these challenging times we want to reassure you that SOT and Wilson Stuart School are always available to support you. 

From left to right – Peter, Louise, Emma, Michelle,
Kelly, Tamara & Claire