SEND CODE OF PRACTICE 0 – 25 – What is the SEND Code of Practice 0-25 years?

The SEND Code of Practice is statutory guidance for organisations that work with and support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. … Local authorities – education, social care and relevant housing, employment and other services

Useful Links:
SEND Code of Practice 0 – 25 – DfE Website
Local Offer – Birmingham
Special Schools in Birmingham
Access to Education – Additional Support

1. What kinds of Special Educational Needs does the school make provision for?

Wilson Stuart is located in Perry Common, Erdington in the north of Birmingham. It caters for pupils aged 2-19 years. Wilson Stuart caters for pupils that have additional difficulties including sensory impairment, learning difficulties, communication difficulties, physical impairments or complex medical conditions. We have outstanding purpose built facilities and highly trained, enthusiastic and committed staff. This combination enables us to provide the specialised individual programmes required by our pupils.

Our nursery accommodates up to 12 children. We have separate Primary and Secondary Departments. Our Sixth Form programme offers a variety of academic and vocational qualifications. It helps prepare students for life post 19 by offering valuable extra curricular activities, work experiences and delivering key life skills as part of the overall ‘GET real’ curriculum.

The teaching methods and strategies we use aim to address our students’ individual needs and abilities and ensure both personal development and academic progress and include:

In order to meet the specific needs of our students the school offers a range of support to ensure that any barriers to learning are reduced. These include:

  • Smaller class sizes – Our classes typically run at 12/13
  • Favourable adult to student ratios – Teaching assistants work closely with the students in class.
  • Personalised targets for students known as PLGs
  • Differentiated tasks and activities to meet the physical and cognitive ability of the students
  • Use of ‘In print’ to provide visual stimulus to our learners
  • External agency therapist work including Speech and Language, Physiotherapy.
  • Bespoke interventions for students in core subjects
  • A dedicated care team to support the personal needs of students
  • A dedicated nursing teaming that supports students with the administration of medication / interventions
  • Ongoing CPD for staff

In order to measure the impact of the curriculum on the students learning we:

  • Conduct annual reviews
  • Review EHCPs
  • Set and monitor Personal Learning Goals (PLGs)
  • Track progress data using Insights (Data Analysis)
  • Collate evidence using EfL to demonstrate progress

2. How does the school identify and assess Special Educational Needs?

All students enter school with either a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education Health and Care Plan.

3. How does the school know how much progress is being made by pupils with Special Educational Needs?

All our students are base line assessed on entry to school. We then have systems in place for recording data, target setting and tracking progress. Targets are set and progress measured in line with National Expectations. Students also have Personal Learning Goals with targets that are based on the child’s Statement of SEN or EHC Plan. These targets are shared with parents/carers and are reviewed and updated on a regular basis. Regular Parent’s Evenings, reviews of PLGs and Annual Review meetings of Statements of SEN or EHC Plans take place.  Judgements on progress are closely monitored by the Senior Leadership Team and Directors of learning through regular lesson observations, learning walks, scrutiny of lesson plans and students’ work in order to monitor progress and implement timely interventions. 

Data is supplied on a termly basis to parents which provides the Current Working at Grade (CWAG), Target grade and also identifies sub-levels of progress made which are RAG rated and clearly identifies if the student is on track to meet their target.

Learners working in the Intro levels (Wilson stuart assessment) will be assessed using the engagement model and PLGs and evidence will be collated using EfL to provide the learner with a personalised learning journey.

4) What extra-curricular activities can a pupil with Special Educational Needs access at School?

We regularly run a variety of extra-curricular/enrichment activities for our students which take place during lunchtimes including opportunities to engage in physical activities such as Boccia, football, badminton or swingball.

We also have colouring / art based clubs as well as reading. Students are also given the opportunity to socialise with others across the school which plays a significant role in developing the students ability to interact with others. Lunchtime supervisors are all trained to support the students and actively encourage independence and leadership across the group. Students also have the opportunity to experience residentials and educational visits as part of the curriculum.

5) Does the School have a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, if so who are they and how can someone get in touch with them?

As a Special School all school staff are aware of the requirements to meet the needs of students with SEN therefore there is not a single designated SENCO.

6) What training do the staff in school have in relation to pupils with Special Educational Needs?

All of our teachers and support staff are experienced at working with students with SEND and we have staff that are trained in a wide range of strategies including Makaton. Students with specific needs are supported by key staff who have a range of qualifications.  All staff who are new to the school receive induction and training.  Throughout the year we have a schedule of training for all school staff in order to develop our provision in relation to school priorities.  Staff are also encouraged to take responsibility for their own professional development by identifying training opportunities wherever possible.

7) How does school get more specialist help for pupils if they need it?

Within school we have access to a team of professionals who can offer specialist advice, these include Speech and Language and the school nursing team. We work very closely with all professionals as well as parents to ensure we offer the best provision. We will also involve other agencies as appropriate, such as the Educational Psychologist, Forward Thinking Birmingham (previously CAMHS) and Malachai in order to help support students and develop staff skills through Inset training and the implementation of specific strategies.

8) How are parents of children and young people with SEN involved in the education of their child?

We aim to foster effective partnerships between home and school in all areas of our students’ development and offer several opportunities for parents and carers to come into school. Parents and carers are invited in for Annual Review and EHCP transfer meetings and termly Parents Evenings, special assemblies, fund-raising, enterprise events and parent workshops. WEDUC is the online link between home and school and acts as the schools primary communication system accessed by all staff. Our family engagement Officer also holds regular parent support group meetings in school (This is me) offering parents and carers the opportunity to meet key members of staff and likeminded parents and carers and discuss any issues or concerns they may have. We aim to meet with parents and carers as often as necessary in order to ensure that they are happy with the education their children are receiving.

9) How are pupils with Special Educational Needs involved in their own education?

Wherever possible we try to involve our students in their education by encouraging them to participate in EHC Plan/ Statement Review meetings, whether that is by talking to them outside of the meeting to ascertain views or by them taking part in the meeting themselves. Targets are negotiated and reviewed regularly with the student wherever possible so that they are actively involved in self-assessment activities. We also have a school student forum where members are elected to the Council across both primary and secondary by their peers and they meet regularly to discuss school matters and make decisions about school improvement.

10) If a parent or a child with SEND has a complaint about the school, how does the governing body deal with the complaint?

Parents and carers are encouraged to contact the school in the first instance and speak to the Head Teacher as we will always try to resolve things by working together. It is rare that a resolution is not able to be achieved, but should this happen then the complaint is referred to the Chair of Governors following the schools’ Complaints Procedure.

11) How does the Governing body involve other people in meeting the needs of pupils with special educational needs including support for their families?

The Governing Body at Wilson Stuart School are committed to supporting our students and their families both at school and in their home environment.  To this end, we have a Pastoral Team in the form of class form teachers that support students and families on a day to day basis in liaison with our family engagement officer whose specific responsibility is for Home School Liaison, including support for families. The school buys in the services of a range of external agencies in order to support our students.  All children have regular opportunities to participate in a range of educational visits and residentials in order to support their learning where appropriate.

12) Who are the support services that can help parents with pupils who have special educational needs?

SENDIASS are available to support parents and carers, offer advice and help to facilitate school visits.  SENAR are the department within the Local Authority who manage the assessment process.  There are a range of parent support groups in Birmingham offering support and guidance, and if parents or carers require further support or advice then we can suggest other appropriate agencies or organisations. Additionally the School Medical Service, Forward Thinking Birmingham (previously CAMHS), Children’s Social Care, The Family Support Service and Occupational Therapy offer support to our families on referral.

What is Send/Sendiass

13) How does the school support pupils with SEND through Transition?

Transition for our students is an extremely important area and as such a specific Transition Day is held every July where prospective Year 7 students come into school to spend the day.  Prospective students take part in a range of activities, meet our Staff and familiarise themselves with the environment in preparation for September. If further visits are necessary in order to reassure students, these can be arranged. When transition occurs during the school year, arrangements for students are made on an individual basis. If a student is coming to us from a different school, we will often visit them in their current setting and if possible attend their Transition Review meeting. Sometimes, a series of short visits into our school are necessary in helping the student make a smooth transition into our setting.

14) How can parents find the Birmingham Local Authority’s Local Offer?

Birmingham Local Offer  –