Wilson Stuart School is the lead inclusion school for Birmingham. We belong to a  network of 60 Youth Sport Trust (YST) lead Inclusion Schools from across England that have been established, each selected for their recognised expertise in engaging young people with Special Educational Needs/Disability (SEND) to participate, compete and lead through PE and School Sport.

These schools are inclusion champions and are visionaries for what high quality, meaningful and inclusive PE and school sport should look like for every child. We work to empower teachers to be more inclusive in their practice, provide meaningful competition and competition pathways for young people, raising their aspirations and providing inclusive leadership opportunities.

We currently work with over 90 primary, secondary and special schools across Birmingham within the YST Inclusion programme.  We support staff with CPD around inclusive PE, sport specific courses as well as MATP (Motor Activity Training Programme) staff training for pupils with PMLD.

In addition, we create an annual SEND sports competition calendar for  children throughout Birmingham  with SEND. A number of sports such as boccia, new age kurling, football, athletics, panathlon, archery, tennis and cricket are available for schools to access.

We also work to increase the number of pupils with SEND leading, coaching and officiating in sport and our Step Into Sport Camps offers secondary school aged children with or without SEND to  be given the opportunity to attend training.